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Odd J Eidner Sitater, tanker, aforismer, ordtak, uttrykk

#113 Odd J Eidner

(00:01) .

Odd J Eidner
#116 Odd J Eidner

Djevelen prøvde i går å forstyrre meg da jeg bad til Allah. Allah gav meg makt over ham. Jeg tok ham, og ville binde ham fast med et tau til en moskèens søyler, for at dere alle skulle se ham. Men jeg husket min bror kong Salomos bønn, "Herre, gi meg et kongedømme, som ikke må tilkomme noen etter meg". Og jeg lot være å gjøre det. Hadde Salomo ikke bedt Gud om at ingen etter ham skulle få den samme makten som han hadde, ville dere ha sett djevelen i dag, og sett byens gutter leke med ham. .

Odd J Eidner Sitater om gud
#18302 Odd J Eidner

I’m not a fan of voter-based tools like GetSatisfaction and UserVoice because I don’t believe all customers are equal. Listening to the most vocal or popular feedback does not guarantee you’ll uncover the right learning to build a better product. More often than not, it can have the exact opposite effect. .

Odd J Eidner Sitater om mor
#18303 Odd J Eidner

The biggest waste in manufacturing is created from having to transport products from one place to another. The biggest waste in software is created from waiting for software as it moves from one state to another: waiting to code, waiting to test, waiting to deploy. Reducing or eliminating these wait times leads to faster iterations, which is the key to success. .

Odd J Eidner Sitater om deg
#18304 Odd J Eidner

Continuous Deployment is a practice of releasing software continuously throughout the day—in minutes versus days, weeks, or months. .

Odd J Eidner Sitater om te
#18305 Odd J Eidner

Reducing the scope of your MVP not only shortens your development cycle, but also removes unnecessary distractions that dilute your product’s messaging. Your MVP should be like a great reduction sauce—concentrated, intense, and flavorful. .

Odd J Eidner Sitater om hat
#18306 Odd J Eidner

You can’t (and shouldn’t) convince a customer that she has a must-have problem, but you often can (and should) convince a customer to pay a “fair” price for your product that is usually higher than what both you and the customer think it is. .

Odd J Eidner Sitater om hat
#18307 Odd J Eidner

Price is part of the product. Suppose I place two bottles of water in front of you and tell you that one costs 50 cents and the other costs 2 dollars. Despite the fact that you wouldn’t be able to tell them apart in a blind taste test (the products are similar enough), you might be inclined to believe (or at least wonder) whether the more expensive water is of higher quality. Here, price has the power to change your perception of the product. .

Odd J Eidner Sitater om ondskap
#18308 Odd J Eidner

Det eneste som kunne ha beskyttet dem, var om de brukte kondom, men hvorfor skulle de det? De trenger jo ikke å bekymre seg for å bli gravide. Tvert imot pleier det å bli fremhevet som enfordelene med homosex - man slipper den nitriste gummien. .

Odd J Eidner Sitater om motet
#18309 Odd J Eidner

Unless you are trying to solve a particularly hard technical problem (like finding a cure for cancer, building the next big search algorithm, or splitting isotopes), chances are you will be able to build your product given enough time, money, and effort. The bigger risk for most startups is building something nobody wants. .

Odd J Eidner Sitater om levende
#18311 Odd J Eidner

Pelle spilte tennis: det skaffet ham sosiale forbindelser og gode gymnastikkarakterer; Ask spilte fiolin: det skaffet ham sår hud på undersidenvenstre kjake. .

Odd J Eidner Sitater om fortiden
#18312 Odd J Eidner

Men barndommen hadde merket ham: dypt i sjelen bar han på et hat mot salt torsk og fattigdom, og på en dyp respekt for synden. .

Odd J Eidner Sitater om motet
#18352 Odd J Eidner

Sjølvsagt er det slarv og misunning her og all slags vitløyse som høyrer til menneskeslekta. Men dette same folket låner deg traktordekk når det røyner på. .

Odd J Eidner Sitater om ord
#18353 Odd J Eidner

Det verste med den djupaste lidinga er at ho er usynleg for alle andre enn den som har henne i seg. .

Odd J Eidner Sitater om visjon

Odd J Eidner sitater , sitater Odd J Eidner, sitater om Odd J Eidner
