Ruth Lillegraven sitater

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Ruth Lillegraven Sitater, tanker, aforismer, ordtak, uttrykk

#1984 Ruth Lillegraven

Når han møtte muslimer, hadde han begynt å spørre dem rett ut hva de mente. En gang på reise i Jordan hadde han truffet en godt utdannet mann som kunne flere språk, og spurt om han støttet dødsstraff for å forlate islam. Mannen svarte ja, med den begrunnelse at hvis man kjente sannheten, skulle man ikke forlate den. Slike samtaler gjorde inntrykk. .

Ruth Lillegraven Sitater om sannheten
#1985 Ruth Lillegraven

“War used to be something I heard about from peddlers, something far away that I didn’t really understand. I know what it is, now. Men killing men. Men behaving like animals, reduced to animals. Villages burned, farms and fields burned. Hunger, disease and death, for the innocent as the guilty. What makes this war of yours better, Moiraine? What makes it cleaner?” .

Ruth Lillegraven Sitater om hat
#1986 Ruth Lillegraven

"Alfred was obsessed by order, obsessed by the task of marshalling life’s chaos into something that could be controlled. He would do it by the church and by the law, which are much the same thing, but I wanted to see a pattern in the strands of life. In the end I found one, and it had nothing to do with any god, but with people. With the people we love. My harpist is right to smile when he chants that I am Uhtred the Gift-Giver or Uhtred the Avenger or Uhtred the Widow-Maker, for he is old and he has learned what I have learned, that I am really Uhtred the Lonely. We are all lonely and all seek a hand to hold in the darkness. It is not the harp, but the hand that plays it." .

Ruth Lillegraven Sitater om tro
#1988 Ruth Lillegraven

I remember walking out into the dark and feeling as if the dark were a great, cool sea and the houses and the sheds and the woods were all adrift in it, just about to ease off their moorings. I always felt like an intruder then, and I still do, as if the darkness had a claim on everything, one that I violated just by stepping out my door. This morning the world by moonlight seemed to be an immemorial acquaintance I had always meant to befriend. .

Ruth Lillegraven Sitater om hat
#1989 Ruth Lillegraven

Any human face is a claim on you, because you can’t help but understand the singularity of it, the courage and loneliness of it. .

Ruth Lillegraven Sitater om be
#1990 Ruth Lillegraven

And I can’t believe that, when we have all been changed and put on incorruptibility, we will forget our fantastic condition of mortality and impermanence, the great bright dream of procreating and perishing that meant the whole world to us. In eternity this world will be Troy, I believe, and all that has passed here will be the epic of the universe, the ballad they sing in the streets. .

Ruth Lillegraven Sitater om tro
#1991 Ruth Lillegraven

I feel sometimes as if I were a child who opens its eyes on the world once and sees amazing things it will never know any names for and then has to close its eyes again. .

Ruth Lillegraven
#3672 Ruth Lillegraven

With stumps and hooks and artificial skin. O there is nothing in your bodys light To grow us wings or teach the discipline Which starvers know to calm the appetite. .

Ruth Lillegraven Sitater om levende
#3673 Ruth Lillegraven

Understand we must be content to beg The clinic of your tighs against the night Were there no scars of braces on his leg Who sings and wrestles with them in our sight, .

Ruth Lillegraven Sitater om be
#3680 Ruth Lillegraven

I det siste har jeg for øvrig vært et morgenmenneske uansett. Det veksler fra uke til uke hva slags menneske jeg er. .

Ruth Lillegraven Sitater om menn
#6975 Ruth Lillegraven

The most terrible of all weapons is the word, which can ruin a life without leaving a trace of blood, and whoose wounds never heal. .

Ruth Lillegraven Sitater om ord
#6976 Ruth Lillegraven

Friendship is like a river: it flows around rocks, adapts itself to valleys and mountains, occasionally turns into a pool untill the hollow in the ground is full and it can continue on its way. .

Ruth Lillegraven Sitater om beruset
#6977 Ruth Lillegraven

And time will sease to exist, because in the land of pleasure-born-of-true-love, everything is infinite. .

Ruth Lillegraven Sitater om levende
#6979 Ruth Lillegraven

Dreaming carries no risks. The dangerous thing is trying to transform your dreams into reality. .

Ruth Lillegraven
#6980 Ruth Lillegraven

If you are never alone, you cannot know yourself. And if you do not know yourself, you will begin to fear the void. .

Ruth Lillegraven Sitater om å gi
#6981 Ruth Lillegraven

Woe to those who were never beaten! they will never be winners in this life. .

Ruth Lillegraven Sitater om be
#6982 Ruth Lillegraven

Scars speak more looudly than the sword that caused them. .

Ruth Lillegraven Sitater om ord
#6983 Ruth Lillegraven

He did not seek to join any particular religion, and no one tried to persuade him otherwise. .

Ruth Lillegraven Sitater om religion
#6984 Ruth Lillegraven

Det er Roars landskap, og smerten hans kommer aldri til å slutte å renne derfra, renne rett inn i årene hans og ut gjennom knokene, ut gjennom den tynneste huden på fingertuppene. Selv om huden er lukket i fine fingertuppbuer, renner likevel smerten ut og blander seg med fargene hans, blir noe annet på lerretet, forvandler seg til lyd, en diger dissonans, en bass som skjærer over i noe lysere, styggere og aldri lar seg skru helt av. Sånn er Roars smerte. Forskjellig fra min. .

Ruth Lillegraven Sitater om smerte
#6985 Ruth Lillegraven

Det er typisk Roar. Han finner et nytt uttrykk og bruker det så ofte at det devalueres allrede før det har rukket å stige i verdi som nytt og originalt. .

Ruth Lillegraven Sitater om verdi

Ruth Lillegraven sitater , sitater Ruth Lillegraven, sitater om Ruth Lillegraven
