Veronica Roth sitater

Her kan du finne og laste ned sitater Veronica Roth

Veronica Roth Sitater, tanker, aforismer, ordtak, uttrykk

#11118 Veronica Roth

"Our freedom is worth more than the monsters life. Our happiness is more important than his suffering". He thought with the cold egoism of the damned. .

Veronica Roth Sitater om ego
#11167 Veronica Roth

On the farther side of the field, just beyond the curtains of snow, the sky was torn away and the angels were descending out of a brilliant blue summer, their huge faces streaked with light and full of pity. The sight of them cut through my heart and down the knuckles of my spine, and if there’d been anything in my bowels I would have messed my pants from fear. Georgie opened his arms and cried out, “It’s the drive-in, man!” “The drive-in …” I wasn’t sure what these words meant. “They’re showing movies in a fucking blizzard!” Georgie screamed. “I see. I thought it was something else,” I said. .

Veronica Roth Sitater om ord
#11197 Veronica Roth

Så viftet han med hånden ut over rommet. Der satt det mennesker og ba. Han fortsatte: "å, ja da! Jeg tror djevelen forsøkte å ta livetsønnen din - men skal jeg si deg noe? Som vanlig oppnådde han ikke noe annet enn å stikke hånden inn i et vepsebol!" .

Veronica Roth Sitater om livet
#11198 Veronica Roth

Det finnes dem som lever mye og dem som lever litt, og så finnes det dem som nesten ikke lever i det hele tatt. Og tenk om jeg tilhører den siste kategorien! har jeg sagt til meg selv. Tenk om jeg er endem som lar livet renne bort mellom klørne mine. Som ikke tar for seglivets livsgoder før det er for sent. Som ikke drikkerlivets livssafter før tiden er ute. .

Veronica Roth Sitater om livet
#11452 Veronica Roth

Han rant overslike historier, hele barndommen hadde faren fortalt dem, igjen og igjen, og etter at han ble borte, var de begynt å komme tilbake, som biller og mark til en rotvelte. .

Veronica Roth Sitater om historie
#11453 Veronica Roth

Det var uansett det tryggeste stedet i huset, verken Rakel eller Oleg hadde noensinne frivillig trukket frem en plate hvor Tom Waits eller Mike Scott sang. .

Veronica Roth Sitater om tankene
#11454 Veronica Roth

If you have behaved badly, repent, make what amends you can and address yourself to the task of behaving better next time. On no account brood over your wrongdoing. Rolling in the muck is not the best way of getting clean. .

Veronica Roth Sitater om hat
#11455 Veronica Roth

Denne mannen ville alle de andre sett ned på, både kongen og den forfengelige og drankeren og forretningsmannen. Men han er nå den eneste som jeg ikke synes er latterlig. Det kommer kanskjeat han er opptatt med andre ting enn seg selv. .

Veronica Roth Sitater om mannen
#11456 Veronica Roth

"Han er bare uvitende," sa hun, "ikke ondsinnet". Jeg hylte: "Å være uvitende og belære folk er ondsinnet." .

Veronica Roth Sitater om tankene
#16955 Veronica Roth

Mrs. Babbitts dressing-table with toilet-articles of almost solid silver, the plain twin beds, between them a small table holding a standard electric bedside lamp, a glass for water, and a standard bedside book with colored illustrations – what particular book it was cannot be ascertained, since no one had ever opened it. .

Veronica Roth Sitater om hat
#16956 Veronica Roth

She had become so dully habituated to married life that in her full matronliness she was as sexless as an anemic nun. .

Veronica Roth Sitater om tro
#16957 Veronica Roth

Jeg kommer igjen. Jeg drar ikke fra deg. Jeg elsker deg over alt på jorda. .

Veronica Roth Sitater om ord
#17256 Veronica Roth

Og forpakterne kom gående tilbake, hendende i lommene, hatten i pannen. Noen kjøpte en flaske og drakk den fort for å gjøre slaget kort og bedøvende. Men de lo ikke og de danset ikke. De sang ikke eller klimpret på gitaren. De gikk tilbake til farmene, hendene i lommene og hodene bøid, skoene sparket opp rødt støv. Kanskje de kunde begynne på nytt igjen i det nye rike landet, i California, der frukten gror. .

Veronica Roth Sitater om hat
#26750 Veronica Roth

«Det vi har gjort for oss selv alene, dør med oss; det vi har gjort for andre og for verden, lever videre og er udødeliig.» (Albert Pike) .

Veronica Roth Sitater om døden
#27184 Veronica Roth

Your word is who you are. .

Veronica Roth Sitater om ord
#27207 Veronica Roth

---> There is a need for greater awareness of the role of masculine gender role stereotypes in unhealthy weight-related behaviors among men. .

Veronica Roth Sitater om havet
#27208 Veronica Roth

Men are less likely than women to engage in almost all health-promoting behaviors, with the notable exception of physical activity; while the evidence is less clear on this point, they generally make less use of health services and may be less willing to report symptoms or have screening checks. Cultural assumptions about masculinity and femininity include the stereotypes that men should be strong, stoical and insensitive to pain, and that women should take responsibility for the health and health behaviors of the men in their lives. These stereotypes dis-empower men and reduce their ability to lead long, healthy lives. .

Veronica Roth Sitater om livet
#27274 Veronica Roth

"Those who suffer from the superabundance of life" make suffering an affirmation in the same way as they make intoxication an activity; in the laceration of Dionysus they recognise the extreme form of affirmation, with no possibility of subtraction, exception or choice. "Those who suffer, on the contrary, from an impoverishment of life" make intoxication a convulsion, a numbness; they make suffering a means of accusing life, of contradicting it and also a means of justifying life, of resolving the contradiction. All this in fact goes into the idea of a saviour; there is no more beautiful saviour than the one who would be simultaneously executioner, victim and comforter, the Holy Trinity, the wonderful dream of bad conscience. From the point of view of a saviour, "life must be the path which leads to sainthood". From the point of view of Dionysius, "existence seems holy enough by itself to justify a further immensity of suffering". .

Veronica Roth Sitater om mat
#27293 Veronica Roth

Er ikke lesning en fabelaktig flukt fra verden? spurte han- .

Veronica Roth Sitater om lesing
#35189 Veronica Roth

"You dont know my father. Hell laugh in your face and offer you some money to mail my body back to Idris." "Dont be absurd-" "Youre right. Coming to think of it, hell probably make you pay for the shipping charges yourself." .

Veronica Roth Sitater om absurd

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